<Your Company Feed Name>/Value_Annual?$filter=LastModified gt 2019-05-27T23:59:59.99Z&$format=json
- RecordID is the primary key to the table.
- ProductID is the obsolete name for the field SeriesID. It will be removed after January 1, 2020
- SeriesID is the foreign key to UDM_Catalog_Series, i.e. it uniquely identifies which time series is the value for.
- AreaID is the foreign key to UDM_Catalog_Areas, i.e. it uniquely identifies which geographic area is the value for.
- ReportPeriod is the date for which the value is published. All data in the Value.Annual table has ReportPeriod in the format YYYY-01-01, where YYYY indicates the year for which the data is published.
- CollectionDate is the date on which the report containing the data point has been published.
- Value is the numeric value of the record.
- SourceID is the foreign key to UDM_Catalog_Sources. Since each SourceID belongs to only one ReportID, this field determines to which report the record belongs.
CREATE TABLE [Value].[Annual]( [RecordID] [int] NOT NULL, [SeriesID] [int] NOT NULL, [AreaID] [int] NOT NULL, [ReportPeriod] [date] NOT NULL, [Value] [numeric](18, 6) NOT NULL, [CollectionDate] [date] NOT NULL, [SourceID] [int] NOT NULL, [LastModified] [datetime2](6) NOT NULL, [Active] INT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Value_Annual] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [RecordID] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON), CONSTRAINT [Unique_Value_Annual] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ( [ProductID] ASC, [AreaID] ASC, [ReportPeriod] ASC, [CollectionDate] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ) GO ALTER TABLE [Value].[Annual] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_AreaID_Value_Annual] FOREIGN KEY([AreaID]) REFERENCES [UDM].[Catalog.Areas] ([AreaID]) GO ALTER TABLE [Value].[Annual] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_ProductID_Value_Annual] FOREIGN KEY([ProductID]) REFERENCES [UDM].[Catalog.Series] ([SeriesID]) GO ALTER TABLE [Value].[Annual] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_SourceID_Value_Annual] FOREIGN KEY([SourceID]) REFERENCES [UDM].[Catalog.Sources] ([SourceID]) GO