Data Catalog: Coverage

254 views September 14, 2018 September 14, 2018 admin 0

ETL administrators may wish to know which time span is available through Value_* feeds. This information can be found in /UDM_Catalog_Coverage.

The fields are:

  • CoverageID (int, not null, primary key)
  • SeriesID (int, not null, foreign key: UDM_Catalog_Series)
  • AreaID (int, not null, foreign key: UDM_Catalog_Areas)
  • ValueFeedID (int, not null, foreign key: UDM_Catalog_ValueFeeds)
  • FirstReportPeriod (date, not null)
  • LastReportPeriod (date, not null)
  • LastModified (datetime2(6), not null)
  • Active (bit, not null)

For example,$filter=SeriesID eq 3714

From the displayed records we learn that Milk Production (SeriesID # 3714) is available on the feed Value_Monthly (ValueFeedID #3) for Tennessee (AreaID # 44) from January, 1930 to December 1992The same series is available for Hawaii (AreaID # 13) from January 1960 through December 1971, and Vermont (AreaID # 47) from January 1960 through July 2018 (as of September 11, 2018). UDM_Catalog_Coverage feed is updated continuously, whenever new record is added to the database.

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