Data Catalog: International Trade

287 views July 8, 2019 admin 0

To set up ETL data pulls for international trade data, we first need to describe the relevant dimensions specific to trade data:

  • UDM_Catalog_Special_International_Trade_Commodity_Description_and_Coding_Systems: Most countries have adopted Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System as the system for organizing their trade data. However, this is not the only system for organizing the trade data. For example, in the United States, USDA Economic Research Service maintains FATUS – Foreign Agricultural Trade of the Unitd States; USDA Foreign Agricultural Service maintains BICO – Bulk, Intermediate and Consumer-Oriented: Groupings of the Harmonized Tariff Exports and Import Codes. In the European Union, EU Comission uses Combined Nomenclature. In New Zelanad, the name of the system is New Zealand Harmonized System Classification, etc. The full list of trade data systems in our database is given in the data feed UDM_Catalog_Special_International_Trade_Commodity_Description_and_Coding_Systems.
  • UDM_Catalog_Special_International_Trade_Code: Commodity coding systems organize data by trade codes. For example, code HS040510 belongs to the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System and has the name Dairy produce; derived from milk, butter. Full description of codes are presented in the table UDM_Catalog_Special_International_Trade_Code.
  • UDM_Catalog_Special_International_Trade_Measure: For each code, we collect data on total value and total quantity traded, as well as unit price of traded goods.
  • UDM_Catalog_Special_International_Trade_Trade_Flow: International trade is classified into exports, imports, and where data is available these broad categories are further broken into e.g. general imports and and imports for consumption, etc.
  • UDM_Catalog_Special_International_Trade_XRef contains the cross-reference records that for each time series that stores trade data uniquely specify the coding system, code, measure, trade flow and unit of measurement.
  • Value_Special_International_Trade_Monthly stores monthly international trade data.


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