Understanding Data

Ukrstat – Livestock production by species [Coming soon…]

237 views October 6, 2018 October 6, 2018 admin 0

Ukrstat’s Livestock production by species (Виробництво продукції тваринництва за видами) is the report containing information on milk production in Ukraine.

The report can be found at http://ukrstat.gov.ua/operativ/menu/menu_u/cg.htm.

The report is issued monthly. The report does not contain information on monthly milk production. Rather, year-to-date information is published, e.g. January, January-February, January-March, etc.

To obtain monthly production, the only available method is to calculate the difference between two consecutively published YTD figures. Published numbers appear to be revised after initially published, but monthly revised numbers are not available publicly. Prior year’s YTD production is published next to current year’s YTD numbers.

Milk production is reported for “agricultural enterprises” and “households”. Overall milk production is referred to as production from “Господарства усіх категорій”, which Ukrstat translates as “all agricultural holdings”, and UDM translates as “By All Agricultural Producers”.

Table 20 (numbers vary by month, tab is marked as “Молоко врх milk of cattle”) – “Production of cattle milk in agricultural enterprises” contains information on milk production in agricultural enterprises.

The difference vs. similar data published in Table 3 (“Production of milk”) is that data in Table 20 contains information only from a subset of agric. enterprises “that have no less than 30 heads of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats, 10 heads of horses, 2000 heads of poultry of all species.”

In UDM, the key variable tracking overall Ukrainian monthly milk production has SeriesID = 90024, and SeriesName: “Ukrstat Milk Production, By All Agricultural Producers”. As described above, this is calculated as the difference between consecutively published Year-to-Date milk production figures, e.g. January-August minus January-July.

UDM data acquisition scripting is queued for mid October. Comprehensive data on milk production by various subcategories of producers and by region will soon be available in tables:



Headline series Ukrstat Milk Production, By All Agricultural Producers is also available at









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