Understanding Data

USDA ERS Dairy Commercial Disappearance Tables Discontinued

114 views August 26, 2022 admin 0

The USDA ERS announced in May they would discontinue reporting of the Dairy Commercial Disappearance reports and replace them with two new reports called Supply and Utilization of Products/Milk in All Products. Please see the note below posted on the USDA ERS dairy data webpage:

On May 13, 2022, two new dairy data files were added to this page:

  • Supply and utilization for dairy product categories (monthly and annual)
  • Supply and utilization of milk in all products (monthly and annual)

The two data files listed above replaced the three data files listed below for the period from 2011 to current. The three data files listed below are available as historical dairy data covering data periods ending in 2010:

  • Commercial disappearance for dairy product categories (1995–2010)
  • Commercial disappearance, milk in all products (1995–2010)
  • Milk: Supply and utilization of all dairy products (1970–2010)

In response to the USDA ERS changes, UDM is now collecting the Supply and Utilization of Products/Milk in All Products reports with the following UDM table names:





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